

The Journey Begins With Where You Are The Spiritual Journey begins with where you are and not with an obsession of where you want to be. All spiritual journey is toward experiencing reality as it is. The fundamental experience of awakening or enlightenment is a state of consciousness' where we can experience "what is" without the interference of the mind. Upon this foundation, you could have altered states, deep communion with your personal God (how you relate to the divine in your own religion or spiritual practice) or astral travel, but the grounded reality or "home" state where you live is experiencing reality as it is. Experience daily life without past and without fears. Experiencing nature without the mind. Experiencing without mental chatter is what constitutes the foundation of an awakened state of spiritual consciousness. Once you begin to experience in this way, you feel one with everything. There is no sense of separation. As you listen to music or da

The Spiritual Journey: Chakras: Mystical Experiences: Outerbody Experience

MOOLADHARA - Pastlives , lust, fatigue[Earth] SWADHISTANA - Lust, Craving, [Water] MANIPURA - Digestion, healing of diseases [Fire] ANAHATA - Divine Love and Compassion/Awakening of higher self/Divine Connection[Air] VISHUDDHI - Throat Chakra , Mysticism [Ether] AGNEYA - Realization, Awareness, Witnessing, Freedom from Suffering [Third eye] SAHASRARA - Oneness or Enlightenment [Crown of Head] Most people become carried away with the mystically experiences in their journey. In this way, you could say it is equivalent to reading a book only for the pretty pictures. It is beautiful to have mystical experiences and experience the beauty of the energy centers in our body, however being hung up on any experience or craving/desire may actually impede the awakening of the very thing you sincerely desire. For a being to grow spiritually there relationships and heart must heal. This is the basic foundation of their growth. I see and meet many people who focus on chak